Writer : AbeKim
Translator : Ryung
In early 2021, I became curious about the '4th Industrial Revolution'. I grew up in the '3rd industrial' era, and have lived and worked in it. I began to wonder.
"What exactly is the '4th industrial revolution' that my children will live in?"
Driven by curiosity, I decided to actively learn more about it and started researching on YouTube and other sources.
Meanwhile, I began to think that,
"It's possible that Monetary Reform will occur, and the currency used in the future may not be the same as the one we are currently using. A completely transformed financial system may be established."
Coming this thought and even tried purchasing a Crypto-currency that I thought would become the key currency of the future.
As I delved deeper into the Crypto world, I came across an article about Earth 2 titled 'The Modern Version of Kim Seon-dal(legendary trickster in Korea)'.
I spent a few days searching for Earth 2 and eventually purchased tiles in the same location as where I lived at the time.
I continued to study and realized that in Web 3.0 era, people would meet and gather in entirely new ways, even for religious services. This led me to start to purchase tiles for potential future worship spaces in Earth 2.
It was amazing to see the price of Korean tiles rising up after a few months, and I thought that Earth 2 might not be in vain.
I subscribed to XR Life Channel and gained information about the Metaverse and NFTs. The information I obtained from the channel seemed credible to me, and as a result, my investment in Earth 2 continued to grow.
I began to wonder how I should continue my investments. That's when I decided to start investing in Resource tiles. I bought so many Resource tiles, because I was concerned that there might not be enough construction investments for the future.
In particular, I wanted to use platinum or gold for the exterior of the buildings, so I searched for platinum and gold tiles based on blue dot data and purchased over 100 properties, 4 tiles per Blue dot.
I participated in Dangun 2 Megacity project hosted by 'Team MEGA'. And when T2 tiles first opened, I woke up early to purchase 2,000 tiles in Songdo, Incheon.
I considered joining 'Team MEGA' guild, but unfortunately gave up due to the condition that required group activities. On the other hand, 'TALSA' guild appeared too individualistic, and my interest waned.
In the meantime, I found 'Yi Sun-sin' guild, and I fell in love with pure passion and enthusiasm for Earth 2. Following an offer from the guild's operators, I've been a part of it ever since.
In the future, I anticipate that I'll live in a different name and face in Earth 2, unlike on Earth 1. I'm currently active on the Earth 2 under the name 'Abe'.
The name 'Abe' is derived from Abraham, known as the "Father of Faith" in the Holy Bible. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln(the 16th president of USA) also had a nickname, 'Abe'?
I'm a pastor, and I'm preparing for ministry and missions in Earth 2.
I initially started out of curiosity, but Earth 2 has deepened my interest in 'Metaverse' and the '4th Industrial Revolution'. It has made me feel like I'm keeping up with the times.
There is no one around me to share information with, and it's not easy to study alone. However, thanks to the helpful guidance and answers from guild members, I'm managing to keep up even at my age in 60s.
I believe that if Earth 2 continues to develop well as one of the best Metaverse platform, it will be helpful in my retirement plan as well. :)

We would like to share the stories of many Korean users with Earth 2 users around the world.
contact Ryung : fhing85@gmail.com https://twitter.com/fhing85
If you're E2 Korean User, please visit website: https://cafe.naver.com/earth2invest