Writer: flystellar
Translator: flystellar & Ryung
Hello. I'm Lalla. ('flystellar' in Earth 2.)
Today, after hearing the news that Ryung has ambitiously prepared an event in E2 Korean community, I would like to leave my review of Earth 2!
The property in Boracay was around $5. It was around the time when the keyword ‘Metaverse’ became hot. I had traveled to Boracay before, and really liked it and had special memories, so I decided to make the purchase.
As for Jakarta, I had no particular thoughts about it, but I had hopes that it would be developed in the future. I started small and gradually expanded my tiles in Earth 2.
The most exciting moment for me was actually when someone suddenly placed a BID to buy the land in Boracay for $50! (The land I bought for $5..)
Of course, I.. I just didn't sell it and let the BID pass, and sadly no more BIDs came in again!
Earth 2, which was just a small square, began to take on a 3D shape little by little, and with introduction of Jewel and Essence, I started to feel some kind of dynamic. However, TBH, shouldn't there be a CHAT function by default in ‘Metaverse’ world?
I have something that truly belongs to me in the Internet space (even though block-chain tech has not been implemented yet..), and Essence can be tokenized and exchanged for cash (although it has not been listed yet..), and It has created a space where I can interact with users from all over the world, making Earth 2 a very attractive place for me.
I am a high school English teacher. I had to research about 'Metaverse' in relation to my class topic, which led me to watch a TED talk. The talk was quite impressive to me: if wild animals(+plants) are given IDs like humans, and if humans and animals(+plants) can engage in various activities in the ‘Metaverse’ world, it will be possible to create intimacy and bond!
Going further than that, it was not simply shout the empty slogan, 'Protect Nature, Save Animal~!', but 'Communicate with and become friends with animals and plants. Would you rather just stare at your friends in trouble?', that words made me even more interested in animal and plant protection.
The TED talk also mentioned Travis Scott's concert in Fortnite game as an example, showing that the concept of ‘Metaverse’ is closely related to 'Cyber-punk'. It's clear that when people think of ‘Metaverse’, they connect it with concepts like 3D virtual worlds and 'Cyber-punk'. Shane seems to be striving to create such a virtual world!
However, I ultimately believe that ‘Metaverse’ is a space for communication, especially a new form of communication that transcends the physical limitations of the real world.
So, even if it's not avatars, I hope Shane will activate CHAT function when users click on my property! lol
Now I'm currently communicating at Earth2 Korean Community, which was created within Naver(AKA, Google of Korea) platform, and I'm grateful for the valuable information and experiences shared here.
In the future, as a community member, I will also make an effort to share more stories and information. Let's all actively communicate and have a great time! TY.

We would like to share the stories of many Korean users with Earth 2 users around the world.
contact Ryung : fhing85@gmail.com https://twitter.com/fhing85
If you're E2 Korean User, please visit website: https://cafe.naver.com/earth2invest